Life is too short to worry about it
Toxic waste at Shawnigan lake.11/9/2015 Have we not learned anything. A site has been chosen to dump thousands of tons of toxic waist near beautiful Shawnigan lake. it is on a hillside near a stream the feeds the lake. The residence use this lake for their drinking water. This is clearly a choice of convenience. The location is a gravel pit supposedly made with impregnable bed rock, with no under water aquifers. This according to an engineer firm. Read more from a times colonist article here below is a picture if the location. Note: the Sooke lake water district is very close ( Victoria gets there water from this area) Where does the stupidity come from. The Liberal provincial and federal government ? local municipalities, Local residence ? Really is is all of the above. Today there are planned demonstrations to stop trucks from entering the sight. I am not here to judge but observe and share to bring awareness to people about some of the stupids things we do to the natural world for the sake of progress. ( ok..... Maybe I am a little judgmental ) Andrew Weaver ( MLA ) Gorden head, Oak bay took a close look at the area and process. I thank him for taking the time to put this energy and wisdom into this big mistake. Please read his blog here My nine year old son caught me writing tonight and decided put done some of his own thoughts below
i don t like the idea of this because this is our wold and there ore only one world and we need to protect this world because we only have only 1. who would do this to our beautiful island. It will be his generation that pays for our mistakes.
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January 2022