Life is too short to worry about it
CBD Investing vs THC investing3/3/2019 ![]() If you have an ear pointed to the investing world you have noticed the rise of legal pot companies. Anyone who made a lot of money by buying pot stocks two or more years ago can relax and enjoy. People who came in late or bought the wrong companies are still be trying to find their golden goose. Me? I started three years ago and cashed out in October of last year but then noticed a promising trend. CBD extract. Last October I was at a friends design studio and a lady rushed in to drop off what I assumed was Nicotine patches. To my suprise, I was told that they were CBD patches to help with anxiety. The former pot smokers had switched from THC to CBD. One of the reason was that THC was adding to their anxiety. I am no a big fan of inhailing any type of smoke on a regular basis My grandmother died of emesyma, Smoke of any type is bad for the lungs and vaping, don't get me started on that new age poison. After research and more research from everything that toutes CBD as a cure all to how dangerious it is. I made a decision to jump back in to the Hemp equity markets. Mostly because stocks can go up on hype alone regardeless of earnings. This is speculatlive investing, risky and not worth betting your life savings on. I did well with my original investments and thought I would take a chance with some of those profits. If you have been investing for your future in either TFSA, RRSP, RESP then you have begun to build wealth. My faviourte method has been the automatic withdrawals to savings from one bank to an investment portfilio. I will admit, I am no expert, I do not consider my self finacially rich but I consider my life rich. Mind you I felt that way when I was rolling coins for groceries back when I made a few wrong choices. Being self employed can be a bitch sometimes. I bought VFF ( a tomato green house in BC that added green houses to grow hemp) OGI, TGOD WEED and HMMJ (ETF). I don't recommend stocks but I would do some research and follow some of the names below and the prementioned tickers This is a screen shot of my watch list( I did not buy all of these stocks). A watchlist can be found on online brokerage companies, They allow you to pretend to buy a stock and watch it. I bought and sold some of these, made money on most and lost money on some ( timing is everything) This chart was created in 2016 and I added more as I found more. ![]() All stocks go up and down as can be seen below. There are more buying opertuniites coming. If you missed the 1st wave there will be a second. I get excited when the market goes in to a nose dive. I get ready to hit the sell button when it reaches new highs. My finger is on the sell button in reacent weeks. The chart below is a 12 month representative of the above wach list.
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January 2022