Life is too short to worry about it
Creative thinking1/16/2022 Make no mistake, creating a business of any size is an art form. Since March 1 2020 I have been stopped from creating events or any new ventures. When I say stopped I mean I ran into roadblocks that prevented me from launching ideas. Creative juices never stop flowing even when they run into a dam. Creativity makes human existence possible.
creativity12/27/2021 definition of creativity?
Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and othersWhat is the best definition of creativity? Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. Time for a change8/11/2020 The world is in hyper speed when it comes to change. On line schooling has taken huge leaps this year. See your doctor without leaving your house. Cars that don't use gas. Online shopping is the new normal. Camping is the new national past time. The list could go on.
It is times like these that can be inspiring or the exact opposite. Out of all this change in such little time, I try to make an effort to shine some light on the darker areas. Out of all this change in such little time, I keep my eyes, mind and heart open. Out of all this change, unlimited opportunities abound. There are many challenges ahead and to break through those challenges, I will need Confidence, Persistence and Patience. To build confidence; take time to learn more. To be persistent I need movement and motivation. Take the 1st step and take a risk. Timelines are very important but in times like these, there are headwinds that come from all directions. Patients allow me to wait for the wind to die down without ever taking your eyes off the prize. The Prize, what is the prize? Success! Vaping and Kids (updated)9/1/2019 Why would our government accept Vaping tools and liquids? Since when is inhaling Propolyne glyco ever good for humans and how did companies succeed in getting these products allowed to be sold.? Why flavour the vaping juice with sweet candy-like smells using nasty chemicals like diacetyl.
This whole industry needs to be shut down. When the principal at my kid's middle school says it is an empademic there is a problem that no one is addressing. 12, 13-year-olds smoking liquids loaded with nicotine flavoured with Captian crunch type smells created in a base of Propylene glyco. How stupid are we to let this happen? 1st there were reports of popcorn lung and no government intervention then this year High school students started getting lung disease and then finally commercials started appearing about the risks. Now people are dead. This should never have started in the 1st place. Common sense says if you inhale antifreeze ( propylene glycol ) you are going to get sick it is not natural in any way. You don't need a scientist to figure that one out. Once again we have been ginny pigs for big corporate profits. These corporations don't care about our health. Tey care about Profit. If you are a teen or tween vapiong smells yummy and looks cool. Some kids seeing this maybe temped with the sweet smells and cool names of the juice. but the nicotine is the addictive component that will get them hooked. It is like the 50s all over again when cigarettes were considered cool but then quitting was almost impossible for some. With the legalization of pot, some big companies like Canopy Growth are investing in TCH Vaping juice. Personally I have pulled my investments from any company involved in this business as the heeling property of Pot is not THC isolated. THC isolated should be treated as a pharmaceutical because it is. Currently, there are 380 cases for Lung disease directly related to Vaping this is the tip of the iceberg. Currently there are seven deaths related to vaping unfortunately this number will grow as more investigations proceed. The US has taken the lead on this, as Canada sits on there hands. This could be an election issue. This should be an election issue. How many young people in Canada will die or have died because our Government passed a product that is dangerous to humans and allowed it to be sold? One child is too many. Author Joseph Gonyeau Categories
January 2022