Life is too short to worry about it
Thankfully the residence of Shawnigain Lake have not lost hope. They have continued the legal fight in the courts. They have continued to get great press from all the news stations including the Globe and Mail. On Feburary 20th the Story will air on W5 at 7pm. I believe the residence are serving a greater purpose. One that will set a precedence for future governments. Dumping contaminated soil near any water shed should be illegal. As stated earlier on this blog This dump site is also close Victoria's water source. Why the provincial government would allow fill from Port Moody to be dumped on Vancouver Island in confusing to say the least. The Malahat First Nations have offered their support. The City of Victoria passed a motion to reverse the permit. The government has made a mistake and seems to be ignoring the people that elected them. If they continue down this path they are sure to follow in the footsteps of the Harper government. When a government becomes so bold and arrogant that it can push through hideous laws or permits that benefit the few at the cost of many, they are doomed to be on their last term. A great video below sums it up.
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Author Joseph Gonyeau Categories
January 2022