Life is too short to worry about it
Motivation for a food drive10/21/2018 Today a lady ran past me at London Drugs. She had stolen a bag of goodies. Security was on her in less than 10 seconds. Onlookers watched as she broke down in tears and pleaded to be allowed to go. She was in her 50s, maybe she was homeless, maybe mentally ill, maybe she was just desperate.
Last week I went to Subway with my son, as we got out of the car to go into the store. A young angry shirtless man was swearing and yelling at his girlfriend. We went inside. After we ordered the angry guy walked in and went to the bathroom. I mentioned to the staff member who was working alone what we had witnessed outside. Instead of calling the police she started banging on the door and yelling at him to get out. My son started to get nervous as he started yelling back and mentioned that he had a gun. We went go got some men who were standing outside taking as the situation got tense. Eventually, he left. The last words he yelled was " I HATE BEING HOMELESS". We have all seen the news about the homeless and it is not easy to ignore although I am guilty of trying. This Holiday season I think we can make a difference for some by organizing a food drive. The Nomad Holiday Market is putting on an event at the Roundhouse. It has an empty rail car waiting to be filled with food. This is no a small task and will need the help of Volunteers that may have been touched by the visuals of what has gone on this year. Maybe wanting to help but not knowing how to. Victoria is a supportive and loving community that will volunteer their time if the cause is just. This is a call for Volunteers to help fill a rail car full of non-perishable food for the people who need it. For Mustard Seed.
1 Comment
Sarah Hovey
10/22/2018 11:22:21 am
This is a great idea. The Mustard Seed does wonderful work, helping and caring for our city's most vulnerable citizens. They not only need our help around Christmas but all year long.
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