Life is too short to worry about it
Coconut oil5/7/2014 Coconut oils is all the rage these days. Once thought to contain to much saturated fat it was put on the back shelf. Times have changed with new ways of looking at molecules it seems that there are different types of Saturated fat and Coconut oils has the right type. It is not the type of fatty acid that is important but more the length of the molecule. For more tech data click here.
I am a bit old school when it comes coconut oil and consuming saturated it not something I want to do unless it is butter. I love the taste of real butter. That being said coconut oil is great for the skin. especially on the body .Dr.Oz has a very positive take on coconut oil. Saturated fats are great for moisturizing and keeping the skin moist. Similar to Cocoa butters and shea butter it has the ability to coat the skin and keep it moist for hours. We have some costumers that use it on the face and swear by it. We Don't recommend it for the face since Saturated fats are large molecule and can enlarge pores over time. for the face we recommend the timeless beauty line. Chemical Composition: Among the chief constituents, coconut oil also has; I. Fatty Acids: Name of fatty acid Percentage Remarks Type of fat Lauric acid 45% to 52% Medium chain fatty acid Saturated fat Myristic acid 16% to 21% Medium chain fatty acid Saturated fat Caprylic acid 5% to 10% Medium chain fatty acid Saturated fat Capric acid 4% to 8% Medium chain fatty acid Saturated fat Caproic acid 0.5% to 1% Medium chain fatty acid Saturated fat Palmitic acid 7% to 10% Saturated fat Oleic acid 5% to 8% Unsaturated fat Palmitoleic acid In traces Saturated fat Linoleic acid 1% to 3% Unsaturated fat Linolenic acid Up to 0.2% Unsaturated fat Stearic acid 2% to 4% Saturated fat Coconut oil also has a lot of Vit. E that gives it a very long shelf life. We have two types of Coconut oil. Organic unrefined and fractionated. The Organic contains all the natural goodness intact where the fractionated has had some of the saturated fat removing so that it can stay in the liquid form. The liquid form soaks faster and is easy to use. The organic is more solid but melts fast as it is applied to the skin.
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