Life is too short to worry about it
Baseball season 20203/28/2020 Will, there be a youth baseball season in 2020, and if so, what does it look like? It would be a shame, Victoria is Hosting the Little League National Championship, and it would be such a waste to lose this opportunity. Our Kids at Layritz have been training for three or more years to get ready for this event if they don't get their chance they will age out. Cancelling this event would be devestating to all the kids and families involved. But it is a possibility. I have been coaching as long as my kid has been playing baseball. Last year was a great year, with our team getting a silver in the BC provincials. Sports in our house are a huge part of our lives as I am sure it is with many. Missing out on sports to save lives is a must at this time, but, boy, it is hard. Let's hope we get control of this Virus soon and that baseball season is just delayed and not cancelled.
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Author Joseph Gonyeau Categories
January 2022